Tuesday, December 27, 2011


My new favorite holiday treat: Dark Chocolate Orange Coconut Truffles. Since my favorite fudge is made with sweetened condensed milk, I went in search of a dairy free substitute. I came across a recipe for truffles made with heavy whipping cream and decided to experiment with coconut milk. Sweet success! And very easy to make!

So here you go: Melt one 16oz bag of chocolate chips over a double boiler. (I used Guittard's Extra Dark Chocolate Chips, no milk fat.) Remove from heat and whisk in one can coconut milk until smooth. Add one teaspoon of orange extract or substitute your favorite flavor and stir. Allow to cool to room temperature then refrigerate until firm. Form into 3/4" balls, (a melon baller or cookie scoop works well) and roll in sugar or I used shredded coconut I processed in a food processor with some added sugar.

Yum, yum!

Merry Christmas!

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